
The importance of AI literacy for children

Hundreds of children have attended our coding clubs and workshops over the last thirteen years. They have learned programming skills that are helping them navigate the digital world. But there is now a new world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that children need to understand.

It is now more important than ever to equip our children with the problem solving and critical thinking skills that they need to be able to understand and use AI tools effectively. Understanding how these tools are created, how to evaluate them, use them and analyse their outputs are all critical skills today, let alone the workplaces of their future.

I don’t believe AI agents are going to replace humans any time soon but we do need the skills to help us understand how to use them. How is the AI agent going to know what to do for us if we haven’t detailed the problem correctly? How are we going to know if the problem has been solved if we don’t know what outcome we are expecting? How are we going to refine the output and make it better without our creative skills?

“Use AI agents to help us do our jobs – but not think for us.”

When children are exposed to problem solving, logic and computational thinking, there is a new world that opens up in front of them. It gives them tremendous amount of satisfaction to solve a problem, to understand the errors in their code, to come up with an idea and convert it into a game. The possibilities are endless and creativity is unleashed.

“In my vision, the child programs the computer and, in doing so, both acquires a sense of mastery over a piece of the most modern and powerful technology and establishes an intimate contact with some of the deepest ideas from science, from mathematics, and from the art of intellectual model building.”
– Seymour Papert, Mindstorms: Children, Computers, And Powerful Ideas, 1980

AI models will continue to evolve very quickly, but they need the human direction, intelligence and creativity to optimise their usefulness. In the same way that children learn to read and write, we now also need include AI literacy in their education so they can be better prepared to tackle the problems of the future.

I’m starting a new series of courses designed to teach children how AI works. Look out for these!

Hi, I'm AI
Yutong Liu & Kingston School of Art / Better Images of AI / Exploring AI 2.0 / CC-BY 4.0

Why girls should learn to code

There has been only modest progress over the last three decades in terms of getting more women into technology jobs and into positions to make the decisions that affect us all today. In my university cohort I was the only woman graduating with an electronics engineering degree. Back in the early 1990s, when I applied for my first job as an electronics engineer, I was turned away for being a woman.

I navigated the early days of web development in London and worked as a web developer for Microsoft, the Guardian newspaper and a sprinkle of internet start ups. I was one of few women doing web development work. The number of girls studying STEM subjects today is still low. Girls also account for a minority of school-age children who attend my coding clubs – around 20 per cent, at best.

It is self-evidnet to me that we desperately need more girls studying computer science. Technology is embedded into every aspect of our lives and we need more women that can design and create products and services that serve women and children better. Algorithm bias in Artificial Intelligence is real and we need women who can represent us.

As parents, the choices we make for our young children have a huge impact on their future. When we encourage girls to code at a young age, we are helping them to become confident; to be independent; to become problem solvers and critical thinkers. Unfortunately, these skills don’t happen on their own. They need to be learned and nurtured.

No matter what field of study a child decides to pursue, coding skills will be a gift that they will apply later in the course of their working life. In the same way that a child learns to read and write, coding is also a literacy which gives a child the digital skills needed to help navigate today’s world.

I am very grateful to my parents who told me that electronics wasn’t just for boys. Coding is for everyone. There are not labels attached to it. When you code, a whole new world can open up in front of you. Once you unlock that door, there is no stopping you.

I ❤️ coding!

A year of coding

I thought I would reflect on another busy year teaching children and young people how to code.

I ran coding lessons in school settings, and in our community library in Yatton. I also organised many coding workshops for primary and secondary school students – including a really enjoyable series of ‘paper circuits’ workshops for the SS Great Britain Trust‘s “Young Brunels” on the waterfront in Bristol.

Our Coding in Minecraft club sessions kicked off in December 2022. Since then, dozens of children from across North Somerset have participated in some lively sessions on Saturday mornings. We use Minecraft Education, which is a creative program that allows children to learn to code using coding blocks. The Minecraft club will continue in 2025 and will offer opportunities for children to create and develop their coding skills in a safe and friendly environment.

In 2024, I also ran coding workshops during school holidays. These included game design, making apps, programming the micro:bit, 3D game creation and App Design.

I finished a twelfth year delivering coding clubs at a number of North Somerset schools. It is always so incredibly rewarding to see the children becoming confident with their ability to code and solving the challenges I set them.

In 2024 our online and in person Python Clubs were attended by students from local secondary schools. The club continues to provide invaluable coding and critical thinking skills, as well as support those students working towards their GCSE in computer science.

In 2025 I will be running new coding and AI workshops for primary and secondary school children. My goal continues to be helping young people acquire digital skills and to develop an understanding of the role AI will play in their daily lives. Look out for these workshops in the coming months.

I also hope to be able to run a Summer of Code 2025. If you are reading this and are in a position to sponsor me to be able to offer free spaces to young people, do drop me a line at

3D Game Design and VR for children

Why does teaching children how games are made matter?

Many children today have access to devices that allow them to play games – often becoming engrossed until they have accomplished their goals. However, understanding the process behind creating these games offers a whole new level of engagement and learning.

3D Game Design

Playing 3D games alone or with friends is both interactive and immersive, but the thrill of making games can take young aspiring coders to the next level when equipped with the right tools.

The skills that children acquire through the game development process are problem solving, critical thinking and creativity. They also grasp concepts that relate to scale, perspective and spatial relationships that extend beyond game design.

Additionally, collaborating with others is integral to the game development process, fostering teamwork and communication skills in children as they code and design together with their peers.

By offering children the right tools and guidance, we empower them to unleash their creativity and imagination. The workshops not only teach game design but also cultivate important skills that will serve them well in the future.

Register your child to the next 3D Game Design Workshop.

2D Game Design

Children love playing games but in our Game Design workshops they get an opportunity to make them.

In our recent workshop, the children delved into the world of game creation using a simple yet powerful 2D engine. The experience of building a game from scratch proved to be immensely rewarding for them. They dived into storytelling, character development, design, and gained valuable insights into the process of game development.

As the workshop progressed, it was immensely gratifying to witness the children’s enthusiasm and dedication. I couldn’t have been more proud of their creations. Here are just a few examples of their games, which I hope will serve as inspiration for others who wish to embark on their own game design journey.

Make a chatbot

A chatbot is a computer program or an artificial intelligence (AI) designed to simulate human conversation through text or voice interactions. 

A rule based chatbot follows a specific flow of conversation and provides pre-determined responses based on keywords or phrases a user enters. We interact with these chatbots on a regular basis – e.g. when you are doing online shopping.

And AI powered chatbot uses artificial intelligence techniques, such as natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, to understand and respond to the user. They can learn from interactions, adapt to different contexts, and provide more dynamic and personalised responses.

Python is widely used to build both AI powered or rule based chatbots. I love using this programming language to show my students that they can create a basic rule based chatbot with a few lines of code. It is an excellent way of introducing python syntax and an example of a real application.

If you are ready to move to text based coding, the next Make a chatbot in Python workshop is on 27th July at Yatton library.

Explore coding in Minecraft

I love teaching coding in Minecraft to young people simply because it’s such a creative environment. My workshops give children the opportunity to learn to code and then use this to automate tasks that otherwise would have taken them a long time to do!

Unfortunately, many children are missing out as Minecraft Education is only used in some schools. However, once the children have been introduced to Microsoft Code Builder – the coding platform within Minecraft – and picked up how Minecraft 3D coordinates work, it soon opens up a whole world of possibilities, exploration and play.

As I’ve said many times before, I’m a strong believer that learning through play is an important element in education – and the same is true when learning to code.

In our workshops we cover the principles of computer programming, computational thinking, collaboration and problem solving skills.

Check the next Coding in Minecraft Club session Yatton library, North Somerset.

Getting started with text-based coding

I have now been teaching coding to young people for 11 years and I’m very proud to have seen some of my students going on to take a Computer Science GCSE – and in a couple of cases – an A Level. They have told me that they were inspired after attending my coding clubs.

Most children start learning to code with coding blocks, which enables them to learn programming principles without getting the dreaded computer errors. Instead of returning errors, the code simply won’t do what the children expect it to do. This is why the core principle of problem solving and debugging is so key.

When the children are ready to experiment with text-based coding, it can at first be frustrating for them as now they do need to understand the code they are writing, pay attention to the programming syntax and be able to understand error codes. However, a gentle introduction can be achieved in a fun an interactive way. That said, the output needs to be immediate and the children need to be able to see that their code has worked.

One way of combining interactivity, fun and text-based code is by coding Apps with JavaScript. JavaScript provides the interactive learning environment to run web based Apps that can be played on a mobile device. My experience has shown me that children really want to be able to see instant results and interact with what they have created.

Another way of introducing text-based coding is by creating a website page using the HTML language to create the web page structure and CSS to add interactivity.

Of course, once the children have been introduced to some form of text-based coding, the next step is to develop their coding skills by programming with Python.

Our next Create fun Apps with JavaScript is on Saturday 11th March 2023.

Coding in Scratch

Scratch, the block programming language, continues to inspire children to learn to code. Last term we had plenty of projects where the children learned to draw, make games and created stories for their characters using code.

At the end of every term, the children get to create anything they want using concepts they have learned over the term. The variety of projects is always great.

October half term coding workshops

Over the summer we delivered many coding clubs and workshops at some of the libraries in North Somerset. After a short break, we are pleased to be able to offer a couple of workshops in the forthcoming October half term.

Coding in Minecraft

The Coding in Minecraft workshop will be held at Portishead library on Tuesday 25th October 2022.

This workshop will start your child on their coding journey. We will be introducing your child to coding using one of the most popular gaming platforms for young people. It enables children to be creative, learn problem solving skills and learn to code while playing in a safe environment.

This is not a course to teach how to play Minecraft but rather how to modify a Minecraft world with code, create small games and interact with one another. Along the way, children also develop problem solving skills by solving coding puzzles.

The workshop is suitable for beginners and all coding abilities. More information and how to book.

Game Pixel Design

The Game Pixel Design workshop will be held at Yatton Library on Thursday 27th October 2022.

If your child loves playing computer games, why not let them create them too! This course will show the children how to design and make a game. They will draw their own characters and create a story for their game.

Everyone is welcome. Older students (Year 6, 7 and 8’s) will create a more complex game which they will be able to publish.

For more information and how to book.