As well as coding clubs and online lessons, Codingbug also delivers specialist workshops for primary and secondary schools. We have worked with North Somerset Council, the SS Great Britain and local business to inspire young people in STEAM.
Just provide us with some basic details – including approximate student numbers, school year(s), dates… and which workshop you are interested in. Email us at
Thanks for 2 great workshops for our Year 8 Future Brunels.
The students loved the hands on circuit making! And the disco with their cubes!
[ SS Great Britain Trust]
Physical computing

Coding with the micro:bit using sensors. A great way to introduce the Internet of Things to your students. Suitable for primary and secondary school pupils.
Wearable Tech for teens

Wearable Tech workshop for secondary school students. The students are introduced to electronics and textiles. They make a wearable tech item.
Paper circuits

Your students will learn how electricity works and build their own electronic circuits to make electronic greeting cards. Suitable for primary and secondary school students.
Soft circuits

Invent, play and explore with electric play dough! This workshop is suitable for primary school children in KS1 and KS2. Children learn the basics of electronic circuits in a safe and fun environment.

Introduce your students to the world of e-Textiles. Students design and make a product that combines electronics and textiles. Suitable for primary school students.
Coding with robots

The children learn computational thinking by giving instructions to the Codingbug robot… making it move, dance, draw and sing. Suitable for children in KS1.